Collection: Nature's Weave: Kauna Grass


In the lush wetlands of Imphal, Manipur, Kauna Grass stands tall alongside rice, its slender stalks swaying gently in the breeze. This humble yet commercially viable crop has been deeply ingrained in Manipuri culture for centuries, showcasing its remarkable versatility across a multitude of practical applications. From the fertile fields to the vibrant markets, Kauna products permeate every aspect of Manipuri life, evolving from humble agricultural hats to exquisite baskets, hampers, and more.

Adorned with vibrant colours and boasting a simple yet elegant design, Kauna products encapsulate the essence of the local utility, often doubling as ceremonial gifts that carry a touch of cultural significance. Within the heart of Manipuri households, Kauna finds its place as both functional furniture and decorative accents. Mats, mattresses, and cushions, meticulously handwoven with care, bring comfort and charm to daily life.

The traditional art of Kauna weaving begins with the careful manipulation of grass into a flat circular or oval base, serving as the foundation for each masterpiece. As the spokes of grass ascend to form the warp, artisans weave with precision, interlacing each strand of the weft to create intricate patterns and textures. Mattresses and mats, crafted without moulds, are secured with jute string, honouring auspicious traditions and numerical patterns passed down through generations.

With each meticulously woven piece, artisans pay homage to their cultural heritage and celebrate the timeless beauty of natural materials. In the rhythmic dance of the loom, Kauna Grass transcends its agricultural origins to become a symbol of resilience, craftsmanship, and community spirit.

Embark on a journey of discovery with Punarnawa's Kauna Grass collection, where each item tells a story of tradition, creativity, and enduring craftsmanship. We also take bulk custom orders as per the client’s requirement.